My latest picture!


So I'm learning to read and dance and sing

I love reading so much that I will read books and then write them out as well, oh and did I mention that I also love dancing! Ballroom, latin and freestyle.

So why do I have a site?

This is my space, to share my pictures videos and work I create. My parents are running out of space at home to keep everything so my father came up with the idea to put everything online because he loves computers and I drive him mad always borrowing his iPhone to watch videos and pictures of... me :).

I say the funniest things

Don't forget to follow what I say on Twitter! I'm not old enough to tweet yet but my dad puts the funniest things I say on there. So follow and see what could possibly be so funny.

My latest piece of art

I could paint and draw all day long, here is my latest masterpeice for all to see!

Yeah so this is me

Me, me, me did I mention that this site is all about me?

This is me

Pictures of my woderful work

Everyone can see my woderful art, pictures and things I make at school I have zillions and and zillions of pictures of me and my friends but you will have to be lucky enough to be my friend or family to see those!